Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wahington D.C. Here We Come!!!!!

Over the past few weeks we have had some very sudden changes come into our lives. First off... Morgan and I both felt that he needed to go to school full time. But by doing so he would be unable to keep working the job he is currently working as the hours are not very "school friendly". Which left us with a stupor of thought and not knowing what to do... So after lots of prayer and thought we have decided that come May we will be moving our family to Washington D.C. for the summer to sell pest control. By doing so it will let us save up money to be able to live comfortably throughout the school year.

I'm not going to lie.... this makes me nervous beyond belief. To just pick up and leave everything to go somewhere new and unknown is a scary thought. But when you know its the right thing to do you have to move forward with faith and trust that everything will work out. Which is exactly what we are doing.

Morgan on Monday gave his 2 weeks notice. So when work is done we will spend time with both families and make our journey to D.C. While scary and unknown.. I am excited for the journey and experiences that Morgan and I will experience together as we will have to learn to completely cleave unto each other.

Ready or not... D.C Here We COME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The New Me

WOW!! It has officially been forever and a half since I have posted! And tons of things in my life has changed! First off... I am no longer Tess McGee. That's right!! I got married and officially a Black ;) Or as my husband would say, "I have come to the dark side". Married life rocks!! I love it so much. I feel so much happier then I have ever been in my life before. Who knew that in single life you were missing out on so much fun?! I sure didn't. I love being married to my best friend. My husband is seriously the best guy around... and ladies don't even try to argue with me because it's true. He is so thoughtful and going out of his way for me. I love him so much!

So for a little update:
I still have no job... :/ so I usually am at home all day... by myself. So if you have any craft ideas of any kind that would be great. Ya I don't know, there isn't much to update on because my life is basically the same every single day. BUT.... I am going to try to get back in the habit of blogging as life changes will hopefully be coming shortly.

So what have I learned you may ask? I have learned that being married rocks. And as long as you and your spouse communicate with one another about how the other is feeling, then everything works out and keeps spinning.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Update on life :)

Well here I am again catching everyone up on my life and what I have done lately...

I have been home from school for a month now!!! Time has just flown by its so crazy! Since being home I have gone to my sister in law Brittany's baby shower, my sister Alli's graduation, and started working. Its so crazy how much things change after graduating high school and becoming involved in the so called "real world". It was almost a year ago that I graduated from High School. To me that is so weird to think about! One year ago I was so excited to graduate and move on with my life. I couldnt wait to be an adult and go to college. But now one year later I am wishing that time would slow down. It goes so fast. And everything is so different. But over the year of being on my own, 8 1/2 hours away from home, I have learned how to be independent and matured. And for that I am so grateful!!

I wouldn't ever want to go back to High School. That is now just a memory of the past. But I am excited for my friends who will be graduating next week. They are beginning on their new path in life. For many they think it will be easy and they are in for a rude awakening. But even though its not always easy, it is still fun and a huge growing experience that helps shape the rest of your life.

Life is going good. I cant complain really. And its all thanks to my awesome family and a Heavenly Father who loves me and watches out for me every second of every day!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

A couple weeks in review...

It has been a while since I have posted. Life has just been so crazy with different things going on and finals coming up soon. But I knew if I didnt post now, that I wouldnt for even longer. So I will just start at the beginning and work my way to the present :)

Ok so a couple weeks ago on Friday 23, Me and my roommate Savannah made a fort because we felt like going back to our child hood except this fort was way more awesome then any fort we built when we were little! It was massive with all of our couches under it. Once it was made we then made nacho's and pistachio milkshakes, climbed into the fort, watched a movie, and slept in the fort. It was a blast!! I forgot how much fun it was to be a carefree child.

Saturday morning we woke up early and went for a run. We ran along the Provo River Trial, and for those of you that dont know, it is a beautiful scene. We got done with our run and got ready to go to the festival of colors. This is a Hindu celebration that is open to the public. What you do is you buy a bag of colorful chalk and then when the time comes you throw it up in the air. This was such a blast!! Although it was hard to breath at times, it was an experience I will never forget.

So last week was conference. I went to both sessions on Saturday, and man were they awesome!! I felt as though all of the talks given that day were geared directly for me. It gave me such comfort hearing the apostles speech these words and I knew it was the Lords answers to me. I have decided that I am going to stay here at BYU. I have grown so much here and I really do love it. It was just hard for me to be so far away from family. But I know I have all eternity to be with them, and although the trials here have been great, I know I have become a much stronger person because of them. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for me here at BYU.

Sorry I realize this is a long post... and honestly the only people still reading this are those who truly care about me :) Or atleast I would hope so.

Ok so this weekend was awesome!!!! Me and my roommates decided a while ago that we wanted to celebrate Christ's birth in a way that would be appropriate since at Christmas time he seems to be forgotten. So as we know Friday was His birthday. At 6:30 we woke up and kneeled together and prayed, then all ate breakfast together. Once we were done eating we read the story of Christs birth. We all went our own ways after that because after all we still had school.

 When we were all back we kneeled and prayed again, ate lunch together, and then watched all of the new bible video's that the church has produced. After that we all went to the temple together and did baptisms for the dead. It was here that the spirit was so strong!! It was almost over whelming. I was reading in 3 Nephi 11 and I just knew then that all the Stories of Christ ARE true!! The things that happened in the Book of Mormon really did happen!! I sat there pondering, waiting to do baptisms for a good 40 minutes. And although I could not see Christ in that moment, I could feel Him sitting right next to me. That is a time I will never forget.

After we had done baptisms we went back home and kneeled and prayed once again. We then ate soup and homemade bread together. Once finished eating we watch the movie The Testimates. When it was finished we went into our rooms and wrote a letter to Christ thanking Him and just telling Him the things of our hearts.

This was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. The whole day was filled with the spirit. I had always believed that Christ lives and atoned for our sins, but I now KNOW that Christ is my Reedemer, Savior, Brother, and Friend. He loves me so much and wants me to repent and come to my Heavenly Father. I KNOW that Christ atoned for my sins and suffered so much for me. His life was so hard and yet perfect. I KNOW that Christ will come again and I cannot wait for that day!! I cant help but think of the Nephite people when Christ came after he had been resurrected and how they fell at His feet. It will be such a joyous day!!!

I hope all of you had a great Easter weekend and thought of the Savior and His life and how important everything was that happened for us and our salvation. I have learned so much the past couple of weeks and have grown so much because of that knowledge.  I am happy with where my life is at right now and know that everything happens for a reason. Life may seem hard and stressful at times, but you can always get through it with the Saviors help.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

One week down.... 4 more to go...

Another week has come and gone. Time just seems to be flying by. There are only 4 more weeks left at school for me at BYU. Its kinda crazy to think about. It's sad to think about not living with my roommates Lauren and Savannah anymore. I just love them and could not have asked for better roommates!!! But I am excited to see what life has to offer somewhere else.

Well this week has been a pretty chill week for the most part. So on...what day was it... I want to say it was Monday, me and and my roommates were playing volleyball in the sand volleyball court right across from our apartment. Well one of the times I jumped up to get the ball and when I landed, I landed on a rock... It hurt so bad. When I hobbled over to a bench and took a look at my foot, I realized that a huge chunk of my second toe was taken out. It looked pretty gross to say the least. I had to hopped on one foot across the street and up 3 flights of stairs. So that hurt most of the week. But its finally doing better now and doesnt hurt anymore :)

So then on Wednesday, the car shop called me and said that my car was finished and I could come pick it up. I was so excited!! So we went and got it and it looks brand new. All I can say is that I am glad to have my car back, and have it look new again. Here are pictures of it before getting fixed and after.

This is what my car looked like after the girl hit it...

And then it got fixed :) YAY!!!

Thursday then came around and my ward went to the temple. That was a good time and I enjoyed it a lot. But I realized how much I really like the Snowflake temple!!! Its just nicer to me and its a more personal experience and its nice. Dont get me wrong... the Provo temple is great too, but something about the Snowflake temple is just special.

Friday night me and my roommates stayed up super late making a silly music video. It was a lot of fun to make.... but it is a little embarassing and everything...

So then Saturday me and Savannah hung out all day by ourselves. We made a ton of green food for Saint Pattricks day. We made steamed broccoli with cheese melted on it, spinach fritters, butter beer from Harry Potter, and a pistachio milk shake. All of which was super yummy! Then later that night we watch P.S. I Love You. Which is a super good movie but also very sad!!

This week has definitely been a pretty good week I would say! Lots of good memories have come from it that is for sure. It just reassured me how when we have lots of trials in our lives and you feel like its never going to end, the Lord will bless you. He just waits tell after the trial of your faith, and you show your trust in Him before he blesses you. So keep persevering even when life gets tough!! It will be worth it in the end. I promise :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

One Crazy Week!!!

So who ever said that weather doesnt effect ones mood is totally smoking something! This week started out so warm, 65 to be exact, then by Wednesday it was snowing... To say the least a good mood quickly turned into a blah mood.There comes a time when you are just ready for warmer, nicer, sunny weather. And that is exactly the point I am at right now. 

Any who... let me tell you about my week :)

Ok, so my week started off on Sunday on a very spiritual note. An answer I have been searching for and pondering out in my mind and my heart, was answered during Fast Sunday. By receiving this answer I am finally able to start making different decisions about my future and what to do. This answer couldnt have come at a better time, and was what I needed at that time.

Monday I took my car to the shop to start getting it fixed!!! YAY!! I cannot wait to get my car back and have it look brand new again. I do not like driving a messed up car I learned these past few weeks.

The rest of the week is not all that exciting until the weekend roled around. Friday night my roommate Lauren sister came to visit. We went out to eat at Olive Garden and just had a great time visiting. Later that night while on Facebook talking with Rex, an old friend started messaging me complaining about how his roommates left him home a lone and how bored he was. So out of sympathy I kindly invited him over but not really saying, "I would invite you to come chill with us, but we arent doing anything except sitting around talking." Surely to me this meant that he would see that I felt bad but really coming over to my place would not change his situation... WRONG!!! He came over and we all talked and then he invited me to go watch a movie at his place, assuring me that his roommates should be home now.... WRONG again. They werent home. First red flag. He then went on to try to pick a movie, constantly suggesting R rated movies, which I would just kindly say every time "I do not watch R rated movies" Thinking that he would have felt the same I mean after all this is BYU (AKA we all should have the same standards...but apparently WRONG once again). We finally chose Zoo Keeper. The whole movie he kept trying to cuddle with me and I would try to simply pull away. This happened probably at least 15 times no joke. He wouldnt get a hint. The whole night he was constantly insulting me because of my standards and who I am (which for those guys out there... insulting a girl IS NOT going to make her like you. Its only going to make her think you are the biggest JERK ever!! So dont do it).  Finally curfew rolled around and I went home. But that was seriously one of the most awkward nights of my life.

Saturday was a beautiful day!! So me and Savannah (one of my other roommates) decided to go on a picnik along the provo river trail. We packed a lunch and went. It was so wonderful. I love spring time. Then later when Lauren got back home we went to Sub Zero and got ice cream, then went and played baseball with some people in our ward. That night we invited 5 other girls over that we didnt know too well and we just had a fun night playing games, talking, and eating snacks.

So this week was just kinda a crazy week. But one thing I learned from everything. Is one, dont let others try to change your standards. Be who you are and if they dont love it, then they are dumb and a waste of time. Dont try to change who you are, because those who truly care and love you will like you just the way you are. And two, just have fun. Make the best of every moment, never letting anything pass you by. That is my lesson learned this week. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Physically Exhausted, But Spiritually Fit.

Lately I have been finding my self second guess everything and letting fear rule my life. There is so much unknown things in my life right now, that I find myself getting scared and wanting to step back and get away, but this is not good! I have always had a tendancy in my life that when something is good, that I start to push it away. And I find myself doing that now and I need to stop! I have been second guessing myself and different spiritual experiences I have had and personal revelation giving to me wondering if my Heavenly Father really did give me those feelings, or if its all been in my head the entire time, because after all the mind is a very powerful thing!

So with all these things running through my head, I went to a ward activity Friday night, a Book of Mormon read-a-thon, hoping that I would get some sort of peaceful feeling or know what is right and settle these feelings going on with in me that I had only told my mom about. We met at 6:30pm to start this activity. They fed us dinner and then we were separated into groups to start our reading. The goal was to finish the whole Book of Mormon that night. We start reading and not too far into reading someone read Helaman 5:26. This verse stuck out to me more then any other verse. It said, "... Fear not, for behold, it is God that has shown unto you this marvelous thing..." When that scripture was read I knew that what I had been questioning and fearing I shouldn't be and that it those spiritual experiences I had had were from God and I hadn't made them up in my mind because its what I wanted. That scripture is exactly what I needed to hear at this time in my life.

We went on with the read-a-thon all night long. Reading for a couple of hours and then taking a break. We did this until 6:40am. I was SOO tired and was having a hard time still reading the last hour of this experience, but I was determined to get the most out of it as I could. I did not get to bed until 7am, but it was well worth it. The whole night was such a spiritual uplifting experience and something that I was in great need of. And although I was physically exhausted, I was spiritually fit and felt as though I could face anything thrown my way. I will never forget this experience and the feeling that was felt. I know that the Lord will answer the questions of your heart. He did for me, so He will for you too! He loves us and doesn't want us to question things happening in our lives. We just have to trust in him, because He knows what is going to happen in our lives and what we need.